Technology has brought us to the point where we are able to be connected with our friends and family like never before. Connections between family members are not the only boundaries being thrusted through the 21st century at light speed. Home security is evolving and improving every day and some of the biggest and best tech companies are honing in on the market. 

You can easily monitor your home and assets from any supporting mobile device in just a few seconds.  This may seem at times like an luxury item that you have survived without this far, so why introduce it now.

Having a technologically sound camera system that streams live feeds from multiple vantage points gives you more than just recording abilities. 

Do you notice a strong sound at night?

Is someone knocking on the door at an odd hour?  

Did you forget to put the dog away?

What about waiting on your kids to get home from school. 

All of these issued are solved by a few well placed cameras.